27 weeks! woop there he is!
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
4th of July
Hope yall had a blast on Independence Day! I had a great weekend.... even though I didn't get to spend it with my family, dennis' family came down! we had a blast. Great conversation and even better food! yum! we went and watched fireworks @ RiverFront... in K.C. WOW...best show we've ever seen!
25 weeks!
Friday, July 2, 2010
dennis turn 22!
so.... dennis' birthday was June 27. beginning in may.... i started thinking about ways i could surprise him. i did this because we are always planning things to do... which is fun bc we do things... but theres never any surprises. so that brings me to airplanes! has in the post about nursery themes... dennis loves aviation, planes, all that good stuff. so i found an airshow that was taking place on his birthday weekend, bought the tickets, and booked a hotel room. we took out in the middle of the night on friday.... and saturday arrived in Davenport, IA. it was a 6 hour drive... and he had lots of questions.... i dont think he has ever been in a situation with no control at all. when he saw we were going to be staying in a city that was kind of country... he guessed in was taking him to a monster truck show! it was so funny to hear his guesses.... so we got into our room and slept for like 4 hours, and then we had to get up and head to the airshow, he had no idea was happening. as SOON as we walk out of the hotel, i say it is SUCH a beautiful day.... bc it was... sun was shinging and the sky was blue. he responds, YOU'RE taking me TO AN AiRSHOW. i couldnt keep a straightface..so i said yes. he was so excited! he couldnt believe i actually pulled it off.... in fact i couldnt either. anyWHO we had a great weekend... and here are some pics to prove! :)
hmmm....what do you have planned??!!
biggest smile ever!
& the show begins... and he's already out of his seat!
WORN OUT... i was anyways... lol
it's been awhile since i've posted! so i'll update yall NOW.
my new job! OMG i freakin' love it! i never thought i would love working so much, i mean i love money, in return i have always liked to work BUT i could seriously work everyday all @ Delia's.
i'm the ces, which basically is the person below the asst. manager and above all the fashion reps and associates. i love it! i fit it really well too. most of the girls are teens and are so curious about my pregnancy. we definitely never run out of conversation. my days consists of managing time to ensure every customer is given the same attention from the on duty reps and associates, paperwork, checking sales figures, and being like the host of the party running around the store to make sure everyone is having a great experience in the store. ces stands for customer experience specialist! i definitely feel like i belong there and i'm so thankful they offered me the postion!
so my belly.....OMG. it has "popped" the past 4 weeks (i'm 6months 4 days TODAY) my stomach and lil man has GROWN! i love it.... my feet have almost disappeared until i bend over alittle...and putting on SHOES is the hardest thing for me to do. i now know how it feels to not be able to put your own shoes on. i have had many elderly people in my life, where i have put their shoes on for them..... and now it's me in that spot...and dennis putting them on for me. lil man is VERY low and my placenta is to the back.... so i feel everything and bending over does not feel pleasant. dennis LOVES (sarcasm) when i wear my gladiators... bc theres like 5 buckles on each shoe.... i appreciate it every morning.... has my foot is on his shoulder and he trying to buckle the right strap to the right spot. he does love when i wear my chucks... those are easy. i always tell him it's good practice for lil man BC i even struggle with little kid shoes... and always afraid im might bend their little toesies!
i get my first BIG, full time, paycheck NEXT friday... and already have plans on spending some of it!
- spray on
-highlights, trim
-picture frames
-king size sheets, comforter, pillow cases
-swimming suit
can u tell my priorities are in line?!?! lol. well i have the next two months bills paid up so i'm treating myself..... i haven't had a trim or highlights SINCE march. can you say ROOTS?!?!?!?
my new job! OMG i freakin' love it! i never thought i would love working so much, i mean i love money, in return i have always liked to work BUT i could seriously work everyday all @ Delia's.
i'm the ces, which basically is the person below the asst. manager and above all the fashion reps and associates. i love it! i fit it really well too. most of the girls are teens and are so curious about my pregnancy. we definitely never run out of conversation. my days consists of managing time to ensure every customer is given the same attention from the on duty reps and associates, paperwork, checking sales figures, and being like the host of the party running around the store to make sure everyone is having a great experience in the store. ces stands for customer experience specialist! i definitely feel like i belong there and i'm so thankful they offered me the postion!
so my belly.....OMG. it has "popped" the past 4 weeks (i'm 6months 4 days TODAY) my stomach and lil man has GROWN! i love it.... my feet have almost disappeared until i bend over alittle...and putting on SHOES is the hardest thing for me to do. i now know how it feels to not be able to put your own shoes on. i have had many elderly people in my life, where i have put their shoes on for them..... and now it's me in that spot...and dennis putting them on for me. lil man is VERY low and my placenta is to the back.... so i feel everything and bending over does not feel pleasant. dennis LOVES (sarcasm) when i wear my gladiators... bc theres like 5 buckles on each shoe.... i appreciate it every morning.... has my foot is on his shoulder and he trying to buckle the right strap to the right spot. he does love when i wear my chucks... those are easy. i always tell him it's good practice for lil man BC i even struggle with little kid shoes... and always afraid im might bend their little toesies!
i get my first BIG, full time, paycheck NEXT friday... and already have plans on spending some of it!
- spray on
-highlights, trim
-picture frames
-king size sheets, comforter, pillow cases
-swimming suit
can u tell my priorities are in line?!?! lol. well i have the next two months bills paid up so i'm treating myself..... i haven't had a trim or highlights SINCE march. can you say ROOTS?!?!?!?
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