So, Clay is becoming more and more mobile everyday, he scoots and will rock back in forth on his knees, but hasn't completely did the entire crawling motion. It just amazes me, how everything happens so fast :( I get weepy at everything "new" he does, and I seriously hope I'm not that mother who cries at every event! I seriously shed some tears when Dennis thought he spotted a tooth, it was a false alarm, but I found myself crying, I guess happy tears but sad ones too. He just gets bigger and bigger everyday :) About teeth, none of popped through.... I can see 4, i think, he wont let me look in his mouth long enough :)
He eats solids for lunch now. We started off with green beans...he loved them! He would open his mouth up ready for more, He was definitely ready I believe. After that first week and no reactions, we moved on to carrots, he loved those as well! Then we went to sweet potatoes, he loved those too LOL. So then we tried the fruits, he loved those too. So now he eats half of jar of a veggie and a couple spoon fulls of a fruit with a 4oz bottle for lunch :) His formula intake obviously decreased now that eats solids. Of a evening we'll occasionally feed him a little fruit with his evening bottle.
After his 6month appt, the pediatrician suggested trying a sippy cup with water or watered down juice. He got the hang of the sippy cup pretty quick, but he still manages to get it everywhere, I believe he just sucks too much out and doesn't know what to do with it all. So we still let him have it every couple nights BEFORE bath time.
Speaking of bath he's completely out grown his tub, but I haven't found a new replacement I've liked... I want something to maybe use in our tub, but still secure because he is bigger than average and strong, and I don't want to have to try to keep him safe and secure while trying to get him scrubbed up at the same time... any suggestions!?!?! I pictured just buying a "bigger" baby tub because he was very secure in that before he out grew it :) ... but I haven't seen any ones bigger than one we already have.
Just a month ago, he really started babbling, but in the last two weeks it's gotten more frequent and LOUDER! he started with baba, and now its A BABABA AB AB AB, so I'm loving the consonant/vowel & vowel/consonant strings. We hear daa daa every once in awhlie but then its quickly followed by BABABA. it's so fun to watch him move his lips to make the sounds. I still say mamamama to him, and he just laughs :)
His other tricks include: sitting completely up, going from sitting up to on his belly, reaching as far as he can for toys and laughing a few different ways.
Another accomplishment worth mentioning is that he's SLEEPING in his own crib EVERY night now. It was time.... well you see we have a king bed so us three had plenty of room, but since he started be able to move more on his belly meant more space I had to section off for him and then there dennis & i were... and I like to sprawl. so it was time. Now it so much easier because I'm able to pick up our room before we go to bed because Clay isn't in our bed. And he's gotten use to waking up in his crib... the first few morning he would allow, the kind we usually do when we go back and forth doing it, so I knew he was looking for us :) Now he wakes up and starts babbling and squirming around and looking at the turtles and chicks on the bumpers..... we use the monitor too, its happened three times that Clay has tooted in his sleep and it's made both Dennis & I to wake up :) So we've all adjusted just fine :)
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Whooty Who!
Hey yall :) remember me?!?!
sorry, i've been gone for awhile now....
here's what's new with us :)
-Clay turned 7 months last month (tear) he's just growing & growing (more on him later)
-I accepted a position with the same bank i've been working for since December, just a different -branch, WAHOO! (more on that later too)
-Dennis accepted a position with Enterprise Management! WAHOO!
-We took a trip to Chicago with some other family members, we had a blast & witnessed a beautiful wedding!
Other than going through our normal day-to-day routine, we haven't did awhole lot! We do have some fun things planned for the remaining of the summer though:
2 weddings!!
Trip to Omaha!
Worlds of Fun/Oceans of Fun (we live literally 20 minutes away)
Balloon Fest!
& maybe an Air Show!
sorry, i've been gone for awhile now....
here's what's new with us :)
-Clay turned 7 months last month (tear) he's just growing & growing (more on him later)
-I accepted a position with the same bank i've been working for since December, just a different -branch, WAHOO! (more on that later too)
-Dennis accepted a position with Enterprise Management! WAHOO!
-We took a trip to Chicago with some other family members, we had a blast & witnessed a beautiful wedding!
Other than going through our normal day-to-day routine, we haven't did awhole lot! We do have some fun things planned for the remaining of the summer though:
2 weddings!!
Trip to Omaha!
Worlds of Fun/Oceans of Fun (we live literally 20 minutes away)
Balloon Fest!
& maybe an Air Show!
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Who new a snow day could be so fun :)
Just a few pics...
Saturday, February 26, 2011
It's been awhile!
Hey yall! So sorry about the lack of posts! I need to somehow try to incorporate blogging into my "routine." I know later on I'm going to be kicking myself in the booty for not writing things down!
Here's some topics to update about:
Clay - is GROWING! O my goodness... everyDAY he surprises me. He definitely doesn't act like a newborn anymore. He is one hyper boy who kicks constantly and is swinging his arms around. So truth be known, he catches me or my glasses atleast once in a day and it makes me laugh everytime. He's a strong little booger and loves grabbing on to things in sight. We used to be able to lay him on our big bathroom counter, it was sort of the "changing area" BUT now everything is too close in reach for him. He knocks everything off the counter and laughs! He was a big talker starting early and he hasn't stopped yet! We gurgle now... he gurgles and then I gurgle and we go back and forth like that for a few minutes. He loves that and I do too. I feel like we are actually communicating. He is holding his bottle up now too.... but when he starts drifting off is when he needs help. He is in FULL teething mode now and it's not the funnest. He is drooling on everything and crabby some days. Everyday you can bet I'm checking for a tooth :) He loves the TV too.... almost too much! I guess it's just bright and noisy so that's why he likes to look at it. He still loves his pacifier too but only for sleeping. He used to want it the entire time he wasn't eating, but now he only wants it when he's going to sleep or upset. He WANTS to crawl so bad. He rears up and just moves his arms fast. I'll put a toy in front of him, giving him a goal, and he'll wear his little self out! :) Sleeping is still wonderful. He goes to bed anywhere between 8 & 9;30 and wakes up around 6. These past few days he has woke once in the night because of teething... which is really hard being that he has slept through the night for a few months now. But we managed fine and we're all doing just great.
Job - I'm still loving my job!!! Love the people and my customers! It's been the first job I haven't dreaded everyday going too. I'm continuing to learn everyday and meet my goals everyday. I love my two bosses too, they're great about giving me a day off for Clay's appointments. It's a great feeling that my job doesn't try to take priority in my life. Clay comes first and they don't have a problem with that at all!
Dennis & I - We learn things everyday! Either about Clay, parenting, or any other thing related to a relationship. We have so much fun, everyday, minus a few grumpy days. But we really do have fun, just playing with Clay is how we spend most of our evenings. We play this game called "Clay make a sound." We play this when one of us wants something, for instance I'll say, "Clay make a sound if you want daddy to wash the dishes." It's pretty hilarious, because Clay has no idea what we are saying, he just knows his mama & dad are in his face waiting for him to make a sound! Sometimes he just sits there and stares at us like we are both crazy :)
Food/Clothing - Clay is eating 8oz. now and occasionally 6 oz. He loves to eat and as long as the pediatrician is okay with that amount I am too. He is in 6-9month clothes too. The one-size fits all sleepers are not fitting anymore :( We also bought his first real pair of real shoes last month.. size 2 :)
All in all... things are going well. It seems like there is never enough hours in the day, but once I get off work and pick up Clay it seems like nothing could get better. I really thank god everyday for Clay and for my situation, it seems like everything fell into place one Clay arrived and that's the truth. We have a good routine of taking Clay to the sitter's (we'll call her Pat for blogging purposes:)) and one of us picking him up @ 5. On the days I work till 7, Dennis picks him up, and on those days boy can I not wait to get home. I sometimes wish I didn't have to work, and I could be with Clay everyday all day. But I know that's not realistic at this time and I do love working and getting a paycheck so it balances out. I know too that it's best for Clay that I work and add to our household's income. :)
I'm going to make a BETTER effort to blog more, so I don't have to write novels on here every once a month when I update. I even told Dennis to remind to do it when I'm just surfing the web... we'll see how it goes :)
Here's some topics to update about:
Clay - is GROWING! O my goodness... everyDAY he surprises me. He definitely doesn't act like a newborn anymore. He is one hyper boy who kicks constantly and is swinging his arms around. So truth be known, he catches me or my glasses atleast once in a day and it makes me laugh everytime. He's a strong little booger and loves grabbing on to things in sight. We used to be able to lay him on our big bathroom counter, it was sort of the "changing area" BUT now everything is too close in reach for him. He knocks everything off the counter and laughs! He was a big talker starting early and he hasn't stopped yet! We gurgle now... he gurgles and then I gurgle and we go back and forth like that for a few minutes. He loves that and I do too. I feel like we are actually communicating. He is holding his bottle up now too.... but when he starts drifting off is when he needs help. He is in FULL teething mode now and it's not the funnest. He is drooling on everything and crabby some days. Everyday you can bet I'm checking for a tooth :) He loves the TV too.... almost too much! I guess it's just bright and noisy so that's why he likes to look at it. He still loves his pacifier too but only for sleeping. He used to want it the entire time he wasn't eating, but now he only wants it when he's going to sleep or upset. He WANTS to crawl so bad. He rears up and just moves his arms fast. I'll put a toy in front of him, giving him a goal, and he'll wear his little self out! :) Sleeping is still wonderful. He goes to bed anywhere between 8 & 9;30 and wakes up around 6. These past few days he has woke once in the night because of teething... which is really hard being that he has slept through the night for a few months now. But we managed fine and we're all doing just great.
Job - I'm still loving my job!!! Love the people and my customers! It's been the first job I haven't dreaded everyday going too. I'm continuing to learn everyday and meet my goals everyday. I love my two bosses too, they're great about giving me a day off for Clay's appointments. It's a great feeling that my job doesn't try to take priority in my life. Clay comes first and they don't have a problem with that at all!
Dennis & I - We learn things everyday! Either about Clay, parenting, or any other thing related to a relationship. We have so much fun, everyday, minus a few grumpy days. But we really do have fun, just playing with Clay is how we spend most of our evenings. We play this game called "Clay make a sound." We play this when one of us wants something, for instance I'll say, "Clay make a sound if you want daddy to wash the dishes." It's pretty hilarious, because Clay has no idea what we are saying, he just knows his mama & dad are in his face waiting for him to make a sound! Sometimes he just sits there and stares at us like we are both crazy :)
Food/Clothing - Clay is eating 8oz. now and occasionally 6 oz. He loves to eat and as long as the pediatrician is okay with that amount I am too. He is in 6-9month clothes too. The one-size fits all sleepers are not fitting anymore :( We also bought his first real pair of real shoes last month.. size 2 :)
All in all... things are going well. It seems like there is never enough hours in the day, but once I get off work and pick up Clay it seems like nothing could get better. I really thank god everyday for Clay and for my situation, it seems like everything fell into place one Clay arrived and that's the truth. We have a good routine of taking Clay to the sitter's (we'll call her Pat for blogging purposes:)) and one of us picking him up @ 5. On the days I work till 7, Dennis picks him up, and on those days boy can I not wait to get home. I sometimes wish I didn't have to work, and I could be with Clay everyday all day. But I know that's not realistic at this time and I do love working and getting a paycheck so it balances out. I know too that it's best for Clay that I work and add to our household's income. :)
I'm going to make a BETTER effort to blog more, so I don't have to write novels on here every once a month when I update. I even told Dennis to remind to do it when I'm just surfing the web... we'll see how it goes :)
Monday, January 17, 2011
New news :)
December was a month full of new things for our lil' Clay. He started smiling & talking MORE and laughing LOUD. In the mornings I would lay there and wait to hear him talking and laughing and looking up at the fan! He truly is a happy little boy, unless he's hungry or has something in his diaper! To be honest I got LESS sleep when I was pregnant! And the first weekend in December he started sleeping the entire night, we typically have him in bed by 10 of a night, and he wakes up anywhere in between 5:30 and 7AM..... so we're lucky to say the least! We also had his 2month appointment in December and he was off the charts! He was 14.4 and 24 3/4.... both were 92nd percentile and HC was 88th percentile. He has a personality now too... he'll make a real sad face with his bottom lip and smile the next, it's like he already knows EXACTLY what he wants and when. :)
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