Tuesday, June 8, 2010

themes..... aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh

so now that little boy (dennis prefers lil MAN) has a room.... my nesting side just wants to decorate it and get it ready NOW! i have introduced several themes for the room to dennis, none of which he has been too excited about. perhaps yall could help.

airplanes... dennis loves planes and air shows. I have seen several cute and fairly cheap ways to bring this theme to life.... like hanging toy airplanes from the ceiling with fishing line. Using sayings with the words sky, fly, those kinds of things.

safari.... okay it sounds outrageous BUT i love the majority of the sets to this theme. i love browns and tans and yellows. it wouldn't be super busy. maybe just do the crib comforter with the animals and focus on one or two animals as little details. dennis liked this one a little :)

trees/leaves.... i love plants and how they represent life. i like family trees too. i like the colors associated with trees and leaves too.

"green"... during my last college semester i did SEVERAL projects about sustainability and going green. i would love to raise the baby in a room full of environmentally safe items and start teaching him young how fragile our planet is at this point. there are tons of cribs, sheets, EVERYTHING that are 100% recyclable or semi as well as eco friendly. dennis like this one as well!

basis baby plaid or polkas.... blue and brown i LOVE. but i want to make it memorable for me atleast even if little squirt never sleeps in there. i want it to be homey and full of love and i know it will be no matter what we end up doing HOWEVER. it will be semi-themed hopefully.....lol

we both agreed on no character themes...yet. dennis would love spongebob to be all over but I REFUSE. lil boy can pick a theme when he's old enough to pick a theme!

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